servies wrote:

> In that case: why does it seem like you have a problem with debunking a
> possible fraud?

I don't. That's not what this is about.

> If they claim that their cable is superb compared to
> others, why can't I ask them to proof it with a valid test.

The key word here is "valid". What exactly is a "valid test"?

> I'm a software engineer that's why I want proof and don't believe in
> things people hear but can't measure... especially knowing that human
> ears are extremely limited...

The real world is not quite so nice and ordered as software tends to be
and therefore is not only harder to measure and quantify, but it is also
not easy to know what to measure.

Human ears, or more accurately, the human hearing system is an amazing
piece of kit and is capable of doing things computers can only dream of.
That is why I am sceptical about the "we can measure more than we can
hear" approach.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not a card-carrying audiophile nut who believes
in snake-oil, but I don't think the reality of the matter is as
clear-cut as engineers like yourself seem to think.


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