
I am willing to accept there are things out there we can't measure but
we can nonetheless perceive.  Cables don't appear to be one of them,
they are very well understood...if there were any small-scale
variations that had large-scale effects electrical delivery systems
would be impossible.

Speakers on the other hand, are much more mystical/magical IMHO.  They
are mechanically and electrically very simple but you can't just bash
one together and expect good sound.  There is really an art to
speakers, even though we've been building them for about 100 years now.
Volumes and volumes have been written about them and basic designs
really haven't changed but that still doesn't mean a company can
manufacture a speaker that people universally like.  There are things
going on we just can't measure yet, and our brains and how they
interpret sound are the limiting factor.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'
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