harmonic;233911 Wrote: 
> I was refering to what  tom and others said about  the klimax ds price 
> compared to what you get.
> You are misunderstanding my point , my point was that it is expensiv to
> make.
> Solid Alu casing of  this caliber is very expensiv and will have a
> positiv influence on the sound.
> (Interresting thourgt a Transporter reference version  where it was
> build into a similar caseing.)
> I dont know have it sounds compared to the transporter  wich is the
> hundred dollar questian  , however  based apone   linns history in
> makeing transending sources and the first reviews and comments on its
> sound   i know where i would put my bet  in a direct comparison a/b
> with  the transporter .

Harmonic, please d/l firefox and turn on its spell checking. It's hard
enough to follow your diatribe without first having to decode it.


Thecus N5200PRO >> Transporter >> ATC SCA2 >> ATC SCM100SLAT
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