Such a fascinating debate.  Engineers that need a visual representation,
a test, to determine a difference, and "audiophiles" who supposedly can
hear things that can't be tested by manufactured equipment.  I guess
that last sentence sounds a bit tilted and maybe that gives away my

To stick my neck out, I'll share my story.  I purchased a pair of ATC
SCM 100 ASLT speakers and took the recommendation of a recording
engineer friend that basic balanced interconnect cables were all that I
needed given that the speakers are active.  I purchased some Whirlwind
and Monster xlr cable because they were readily available at a local

After complaining to other recording engineer friends, it was suggested
that I try Belden 1800f cable.  I thought balanced interconnects are
just balanced interconnects, but sure, I'll try it.  To my ear it was a
huge improvement.  Perhaps this was moving up from inferior cable to
acceptable cable or good to great.  It probably depends on who you

Eventually I purchased an Ayre C5xe cd player and had an audio engineer
friend accept receipt of it for me as he and the seller were in the same
state on the East Coast.  The seller mentioned a high priced pair of
interconnects that he was willing to sell me for half price.  I had my
friend, who after thirty years in the audio engineering business, did
not believe in expensive cables and felt they were snake oil compare
them to his standard Belden 1800f.  To my surprise and his, he
preferred the expensive cable.

What is even more surprising is that while I like the expensive cable
between the cd player and the preamp, I prefer the Belden cable between
the preamp and the speakers.  So did my friend.  Both cable runs are
interconnects and the length to the speakers is twenty-five feet
compared to three.  If anything, I would think that the expensive cable
should make a difference in the longer run.

In addition, I eventually received a different type of Belden
interconnect directly from ATC.  It may be solid core as it is so
stiff, or it may just be a plenum style of shielding.  I can't tell and
can't find it on Belden's website.  To my ear it sounds different than
the 1800f cable.  The soundstage is slightly wider but not as tall. 
There is less high frequency emphasis which I believe is why it sounds
shorter for lack of a better term.  However, it has a weightier
mid-bass that sometimes I prefer to the 1800f.  On other tracks, the
1800f seems more natural.  I have tried to use piano recordings as a
comparison as I grew up playing on a Steinway and have some idea of
what I think a piano should sound like.  Then again, with all of the
different microphone techniques and microphones, not to mention piano
timbres and room interactions, I don't know how I could ever tell how
perfect a piano reproduction is unless I had access to the recorded
piano.  Regardless, it is different.

I spent quite a bit of time researching cable before I purchased the
speakers and came to the conclusion that with so many intelligent,
sophisticated, engineering types dismissing the effect of expensive
cable, that it must not make any difference.  I came up with my own
term for snake oil, describing it to friends as audiophile pixie dust
and imagined a salesperson sprinkling something over speakers and
proclaiming it to make the sound better, while an unsuspecting,
gullible, rich enough to not care buyer would struggle to hear a
difference and in the end fall victim to the scam for whatever
psychological reason.

I now fall into a new category.  The I have to hear it myself category.
This is frustrating because it means that I can't rely on the
experience of others in the way that I would like.  If someone else
can't tell the difference between cables, is it because there is no
difference or because the resolution of their system, ears, or ability
to critically listen does not allow them to hear the difference. 
There's no way to know.  I do not mean this as an insult to anyone who
has auditioned two cables and reports that they are the same.  And I
certainly do not mean to imply that my capability to critically listen
is better than that of anyone else.  Furthermore, I have never heard a
$7k speaker cable.  It better be amazing at that price-point.  I really
don't see how it is possible.  But then again, with an extremely precise
system and room, I can't rule out the possibility that it might make a
difference.  I'd have to hear it myself to make that determination.

The reason I have shared my story is to help anyone out there who is
struggling to determine whether there is a difference between cables. 
I hope that you will at least try a comparison yourself, on an accurate
system, in a somewhat acoustically sound room.  Listen to how many
instruments you can hear on a track, how lifelike they each are, what
happens to the soundstage, if anything.  And I think you have to listen
at louder levels, at least 85db so that you can hear the detail of the
recording and experience any distortion or coloration that might mask
detail.  Sometimes just hitting a higher volume level will reveal a
cable's harshness on transients.

And for anyone in the San Francisco Bay Area, you are welcome to make
the tests at my home.  I do hope to have an audio showroom open one of
these days and I may even sell one brand of high end cables.  Then
again, I've never tested them against any other high end cables.  Might
there be a better cable at a lesser pricepoint?  ...another headache in
my quest to create a business based on my passion, music.

I hope I haven't branded myself negatively on this forum forever...

Transporter -> ATC SCA2 -> ATC SCM 100 ASLT
Ayre C5xe -> ATC SCA2 -> ATC SCM 100 ASLT

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