What’s interesting to me is that “wars” are fought and mega $ spent over
marginal differences introduced by well understood and “low tech”
devices that have reached engineering maturity: cables, power supplies,
CD players, DAC, op AMPs,  …
For these kinds of devices once you spend 3 times more than the cheapo
version you are 99% there.
As you know the additional  .9% (or whatever) requires an additional
x100 cost multiplier.
I submit that, unless you take pleasure in departing from your hard
earned income, it is not worthed.
Note that I am not condemning the pursuit of Audio Nirvana (or any
other dream you may have).
What I am condemning is that lack of creativity and innovation takes
away resources that would provide real, unquestionable leap forwards in
the music enjoyment area .
The innovative Slimbox is unquestionable better than any CD player: no
CDs to juggle. Try to change CDs when blindfolded… exactly, cannot beat
Let see what I would do with $7000:
•       $3000 DEQX PDC - 2.6P
•       $2000 on additional amps for the tri-amp
•       $500 Network Attached Storage RAID server (with slimserver)
•       $500 Room acoustic improvements
•       $500 Wifi PDA as a "remote"
•       $500 to the wife (helps the sound. Trust me)
I submit that digital active crossover, room correction, and a
dedicated amp per driver will be easily recognized by the most blind of
tester: flatter and wider (more natural) frequency response, much higher
dampening (clean sound), much higher dynamic (realistic: 1812 Telarc
With all the big ticket items to explore out there why do we still talk
about cables and power supplies?

arge's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6155
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=38902

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