harmonic;235337 Wrote: 
> If we leve the mod  war buried.
> You are essentially asking me to prove a negative. The largest problem
> I face in this situation is that I cannot explain what you cannot hear
> nor why you cannot hear it. I would say you are the victim of your own
> wishful thinking.
> I don't believe there is any "marketing speak" nor wishful thinking
> when I say the difference between a $39 CD player and a well designed
> and built $1,000 player should be obvious to most anyone with the
> ability to hear - even through the most modest high fidelity system.
> Certainly every manufacturer who builds in both price ranges suggests
> as much. That is not marketing speak, that is the fact of better parts.
> If you cannot hear any differences between parts or the whole component
> they make, I cannot argue with your incapacity. The "sound" of
> capacitors has been widely recognized for several decades. You may
> choose to disbelieve in that "sound" just as others may choose to
> defend a foreign policy blunder; but while everyone is entitled to
> their own opinion, we are not entitled to our own facts. Parts sound
> different. The circuits using those parts sound different. Therefore,
> components using those circuits sound different.
> If you feel a component with an over built, high capacity, fast slewing
> power supply will sound equal to a component with a poorly built power
> supply, you are either a salesperson's dream or nightmare. If you think
> a CD player with high jitter sounds similar to a CD player with far
> lower amounts of jitter, please, don't invite me over for a listen. If
> it is not true that a component which reproduces a 10kHz square wave
> with more accuracy and less ringing than another component doesn't
> sound better in some way, I will never read another JA measurement
> table. 
> If you feel the price spread $39-1,000 is too broad, remember, you set
> the values when you simply said "CD players". They are both CD players.
> The actual differences between any two players will be too complex for
> such a broad statement as yours to be valid, therefore, I cannot make a
> specific case. That does not obviate the fact that differences - and
> sound quality improvements - do exist. I believe that to be true and
> most of the forum members would likely agree. If you choose not to
> believe in audible differences, the sanctity of nature, ghosts,
> Murphy's Law, checks and balance or the value of puppy dog tails, you
> have the right to be wrong.
> If you seriously believe a low powered, single ended, transformer
> coupled vacuum tube power amplifier will drive all speakers in the same
> fashion as a direct coupled, push-pull, bipolar output, high powered
> solid state unit, I cannot argue with your obvious infirmity. Should
> you feel a "straight wire with gain" pre amp with a 10k Ohm output
> impedance will drive any power amplifier with the same ability as a
> buffered pre amp providing a low 500 Ohm output impedance, I cannot
> argue with your lack of knowledge. If you feel abusive amounts of
> negative feedback do not affect the sound quality of an amplifier - and
> the speaker connected to that amplifier, you have missed the last sixty
> years of audio design or have just come to the party of late. In either
> case, you have a lot of catching up to do. Should you feel class B
> amplifiers are as sweet and distortion free as class A designs, I give
> up.
> However, should you subscribe to the "everything that measures the
> same, sounds the same" concept of system building, and you buy your
> components based on their remote controls and warranties, I can only
> say this is not the thread where those issues should be debated. While
> I would like to ask you to defend your statement with reason and logic,
> rather than derail this thread, if you wish to argue your point, start a
> new thread. Let the o.p learn about system building here. The original
> question was not, "Does everything sound the same?" 
> PS this is not my own words but its what im thinking.

You're only providing more evidence for what I said above.  

Look, it's OK with me if you think this stuff makes a significant
difference to the sound.  You're wrong - most of what you said above is
demonstrably false - but I don't really care.  But when you try to
convince other people of your point of view it bothers me.

To make an analogy, I also don't care if someone spends $10,000 on a
Rolex.  It's a status symbol, it's beautiful to some, it shows you can
afford it, etc.  Fine - go for it.  But if you try to tell someone that
they NEED a Rolex because their Timex keeps less accurate time...  then
I have a problem.  That's false, and it's false advertising, and it
would actually be illegal if a manufacturer said it.

I'm sure Rolex-wearers would be quite happy if they could convince
others of that - if Rolexes were the best watches by some objective
standard it would validate their buyer's choice to spend so much and
enhance the prestige value of owning one.  But it's even easier than in
the case of audio to disprove something like that, so they don't try -
it's simply jewelry.

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