harmonic;235458 Wrote: 
> If you think that the only differences there is between components is
> there price, and the  reason why people buy the most expensiv gear is
> only because its a status symbol
> That will imply that ether you are deaf or havent heard that much
> different gear.
> <snip>
> But what  you are saying is every source components for and example no
> matter the price is the same and sounds the same its only its shell and
> price that is different.
> Thats just 100% clear cut BS

I'm not making any such blanket statement.  However for most modern
digital sources (including the very expensive ones) the differences are
slim to none (no pun intended!).  Same goes for amplifiers.  Sometimes,
in some situations, you *might* be able to hear differences, but it's
the exception that proves the rule.  I can sum it up by saying that all
good sources sound identical - if there's an audible difference one of
them isn't well designed and is adding distortion.

You're expressing a strongly biased opinion.  I'm stating a fact backed
up by many blind listening tests, measurements of the magnitude of the
differences, and 150 years of research into acoustics and the limits of
human hearing.

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