As I see it, network music devices are still in their relative infancy,
not quite ready for prime time.  "Joe sixpack" wants a device that he
can buy, plug in, and start listening to without a lot of hassle.

Right now, there's first the problem of what to buy.  Sure, you can buy
a SB and some media NAS with a media server built in but its still a
bunch of stuff to hook up and configure.  Then there's ripping and
tagging, and of course there are services that will do it for you. 
(Just make sure to load all your CDs onto spindles. :) )  Finally
there's the backup issue.  Not a problem if one "does computers", but
it's a significant hurdle to those who don't.

I have a few friends who I'd love to recommend something other than a
iPod, but I think the reason iPod is so popular is that Apple has made
it easier to use (end to end) than just about anything else.

Timothy Stockman
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