mvalera;237780 Wrote: 
> The "if" is a BIG if.
> Please see Sean Adams many posts on the benefits, or lack thereof, of
> upgraded power supplies.
> Mike

If I have read Sean's responses correctly he doesn't think the power
supply makes a difference in the sound quality of the Squeezebox itself
but does suggest that it is possible that RF noise put out by the stock
PSU "may" interfere with other components in the system.

So, if that is true, there "can" indeed be a difference in final sound
quality by substituting a linear PSU in place of the stock switching
PSU.  The fact that the sound coming from the Squeezebox hasn't changed
is neither here nor there.  If the reduced RF noise improves the sound
of some other part of the system the net effect is still the same, an

I have not tested a linear PSU in place of the stock unit so I don't
know either way.  But, it seems to me to makes sense to limit the
amount of RF noise floating around your system as much as possible.

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