bigfool1956 wrote:

> First we need to have a computer, a network (preferably wired into the
> listening room), NAS (unless we want the computer running while we
> listen), and our SB3 or transporter.

I'll buy your basic idea that its not trivial to setup, but
why in the world do you (and a lot of others) think that you "need" a NAS?

All you need is one computer holding your music and running SlimServer, 
a wireless AP and a SB3. and a stereo to plug it into.

The "computer" aka server can be "running while we listen" in another 

Since I got my first SB1 (non-Graphics) I've used free left over 
computers running in my basement. They cost nothing.

And I have never recommended EAC to anyone, its too picky for my tastes. 
There are lots of much easier to use programs out there. Perhaps EAC is 
perfect for perfectionists, but I like music, not screwing with software.


Pat Farrell

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