cliveb;240019 Wrote: 
> Belief can send you down all sorts of blind alleys. What actual evidence
> do you have that the SB3's DAC is the limiting factor? The DAC in the
> SB3 is actually pretty damn good.
> An obvious point to make is that your speakers will be contributing
> about 95% of the overall system character. Apart from that, unless your
> system is really high-end, chances are that the preamp is the electronic
> component most responsible for any shortcomings.
> Can you tell us what rest of your system is? That way we'd have a
> better chance of making more informed comments.

I have a Melody SP-7 Tube Amp (
driving a pair of Onix Reference 1 Monitor's.

Last night I did a test of a Toshiba SD4700/standard cd vs SB3/flac.
The Toshiba sounded significantly better, no question about it. So I
know that my amp/speaks are capable of producing a sound that is good
to my ears. This is whats leading me down the DAC path.



SB3 > Melody SP7 > Onix Ref-1
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