Vic;240393 Wrote: 
> More seriously (sort of).
> Apparently I seem to understand that a good majority of members of this
> forum state (with apparently "humour", but please next time put an H
> next to the funny bits so that I know when to laugh) that all hi-fi
> related stuff is a rip off and that everything sounds the same. Am I
> correct?
> That apparently includes one of the designer of the SB and Transporter,
> have I got it right?

More seriously, I don't think I would put it that way.

The SB3 and Transporter measure well. Their measured performance is
excellent at their respective price points. In fact the Transporter
measures incredibly well full stop.

Having said that, I recall Sean confirming the obvious which is that he
did extensive listening tests (including blind) during design. So the
philosophy is that good measurements are necessary despite the fact
they are not enough alone.

Most of the people here would agree that's the correct approach. A lot
of people here are skeptical about claims of superior sound which have
no measurements to back them up and are based on sighted listening
impressions only (as discussed). Put another way, if it measures the
same and you can't tell the difference blind...then you need to
consider the possibility it is the same. Of course it's unlikely that
loudspeakers will measure the same and they do tend to sound a bit
different (there are distinct approaches and assumptions for room
interaction, dispersion etc). Amps and sources tend to sound quite
similar (the aim is transparency so necessarily the better the amps or
sources the more similar they will sound). Check out the Stereomojo
blind shootouts.


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system
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