sorry if my responce  was a little prickely .....just reread it an it
comes over too sharp ...sorry it was not intended.

I have to say that I'd look at the other components in the system as I
find the sb3 and transporter in there own way fairly even handed....

you could look at the first reflection from your speakers...from the
side wall or floor ...these have a habit of harding up the sound...[by
destructive cancelation of the dirrect sound]..

to test..... this get a mirror and place it on the floor then sit in
your listening position, adjust the mirrors position  when you can see
the tweeters this is the point of first reflection. place a cushion at
the point of first reflection on both speakers and then re listen to
your system the same for the walls and then listen again with
both set of absorbtion in place ...this may sweeten up the sound
getting back what you may have lost.


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables
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