S2K;242878 Wrote: 
> I'm also a big 805 fan. I think it is one of the best monitor speakers.
> The 805 is even better then it's more expensive brothers IMO (the 804
> and 803). However recently I've heard the Dynaudio Contour S1.4 monitor
> and i'm even more impressed. I asked my dealer to make a setup with both
> the 805's and the Dynaudio's to let me compare side by side. I've spend
> almost 4 hours in the listening room.
> Because the Dynaudio has less effeciency, at first hand the 805's seem
> to be the better ones. However if you listen longer you notice that the
> Dynaudio's are more refined, have better en tighter bass and all in all
> sounds more natural and even more plesant to listen to. 
> Before you buy the 805's, I strongly recommend you to listen to the
> Dynaudio's. The price is more or less the same.
> As for the amp that depends of what you want to spend. I can recommend
> the Primare I21 or the Musical Fidelity A3.5. Both around $1500
> http://www.primare.net/00002/00041/00047/

I totally agree.  Dynaudio makes some of the best monitors
available...That is unless you have 25,000 to spend on Magico
Minis...or 12,000 to spend on Wilson Duettes (IMO the most fantastic
monitors I have ever heard)...I personally thought that the Wilson
Duettes almost sounded as good as the WP 7's they also had in the
display room.  Anyhow, the message is, if you sell something else in
your store, you might look there first...B&W's are ok, but there is SO
much better out there.


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