chobbney;246551 Wrote: 
> >I presume you've disabled all file formats apart from FLAC-FLAC or
> I have now.
> The CD player sound went flat when I plugged the PSU in and it was
> connected to the SB. I didn't try it when it wasn't sonnected to the
> SB. I've no longer got the Creek, so I can't test it. My current
> (cheap) CD player shows no audible diference. Mind you, the sound from
> that is pretty crap anyway.
> I don't think it helps that my shelving unit is plywood on steel. The
> guy from the hi-fi shop reckons that it just amplifies any elecrical
> noise.
> I have two ferrite sleeves on the SB PSU which doesn't seem to affect
> the sound any anyway. 
> That's interesting that noise would be less affecting if I used a DAC.
> I'll try to get someone to bring one round and see.
> I live in a house and the SB is connected via a cable to the SlimServer
> in the cellar.
> Thanks for your input.

I wonder if you have earthing issues - might be worth gettign the
quality of your earths checked (good safety point anyway if the house
hasn't been rewired in the last 20 years or so).

The shelving won't make any difference to electrical noise issues -
absolutely none. 

The ferrites need to be on your mains lead into your amp as well as on
the SB.

Also - I presume that when you had the Creek and the sound went
flat...the SB was connected to the amp? 

There is a faint possibility that you are suffering from a complex
earthing loop problem caused by the earthing to your PC (which is wired
by ethernet to your SB and thus to your amp) having a more difficult
return path than the one directly from your amp to the wall...I've
experienced similar problems in the past with studio gear.

Your problem now is that without the Creek to reference to, you are at
the mercy of your memory and ears/brain in determining if anything you
do improves/worsens the sound.

If you can, borrow a DAC with a Toslink (optical) connection (plus
suitable cable) and see if breaking the galvanic link between your gear
makes a difference.

Good Luck,

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)
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