My rips are lossless. MPEG-4 files are NOT lossless, which is why I'd
never use them. Kim's comment about cables is valid -- I am using an
AES/EBU (balanced) digital cable from the CD transport, but a S/PDIF
unbalanced cable (albeit, the best one IMO) from the Transporter. But
to my ears, the sound difference is more than what these two cables
would 'interject'.  (I've listened to the cd transport with both
AES/EBU vs. S/PDIF, and the difference is much more subtle).

What I'm inclined to believe is that the sonic capabilities of the
transporter are not 'up to par' with the rest of my system. The reason
I have such a good DAC is because virtually ALL my music comes from
digital sources now -- and it's critical to have that conversion to
analog done as well as you can. I'm using a PrimaLuna Prologue Three
tube preamp (Telefunkens and Mullards) into two Aragon Palladium
monoblocks. Speakers are Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home, and REL sub.
I've upgraded my DAC three times, and it is REMARKABLE how much
difference a truly great DAC can make. For anyone interested in
upgrading their DAC, check out -- and look at the
'component mod' page. They do amazing work. 

If anyone knows of a better (but not price prohibitive) way to get an
ethernet cable interface to a DAC (either balanced or unbalanced),
please let me know. Thanks for your input on this, and Merry Christmas!

Meantime, enjoy the music...

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