zanash;252871 Wrote: 
> do you mean when you say "playing in " burn in ?
> if so then both cable and the electronics will change to a greater or
> lesser degree over time.
> The toslink connections in my experience tend to be inferior to a good
> digital coax ...I add good as there is some really nasty ones out
> there.  
> If your running the standard psu for the sb3 then I would expect the
> dvd as a transport only to have the edge....if you have a good psu the
> sb3 should be ahead of the dvd  both into the dac.
> The beresford dac are good at there price point but not the last word I
> have a behringer src that in standard guise was able to see off the
> beresford [early mk] without difficulty ...I've since modded the unit
> and it showed a clean pair of heals to dac1.
> The flat sound your getting, sound like what I had before I upgraded
> the psu for the sb3 ...for me it was lifeless and uninvolving.  Also
> the beresford can use a better psu too and the early mk version sounded
> a lot better with a few simple mods  ...better caps, schottky diodes and
> better opamps.  I have no experience of the more recent models but if
> the maker has taken any account of the mods usually carried out on this
> dac then it should sound a whole lot better than the one I heard.

Yes I mean "burn in". I use the standard psu of my SB3. Maybe will
change it if that really coyuld improve the sound. I will search this
forum for some advice on which psu's are recommended.

In the Beresford Mk6 the mods of the early models (caps etc) are
implemented. The psu too has changed and is supposed to be really

I was just surprised that after 2 weeks of listening to radio my dvdp
(connected via coax to my AV receiver) still sounded more spacious then
my SB3 (connected via caox to Beresford that's connected via the SB
standard rca cables).

I guess both cable and electronics will change when burning in,
regardless if the data is radiostream or a flac file.

If my DAC's sound doesn't change, I will just put it between a pc and a
Trends TA-10.1 I have upstairs. Before that, I will do some further
testing changing dac and/or cables.


Yamaha - Chario - MJ Acoustics - Squeezebox 3 - Beresford
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