alekz wrote:

> A: I see a white ball.
> B: No. It's not a ball. It's a cube.
> A: No it's a ball.
> B: And it's not white. It's black. 
> A: OK, ok, it's not absolutely white. Let's call it off-white ball.
> B: And you do not see anything, actually. It does not exist. Because it
> cannot exist. I'm a <...> engineer. Nobody here believes in it. 
> A: Errrmmm...
> B: Yes, you see it because they told you that you would see it.
> A: But...
> B: Crap. Bullshit. Go to another forum, they also think that it's not
> black.

The fallacy here is that what some hears is not the same as a physical 
object like a ball, white or otherwise.

Perhaps if you were looking at ink blots and arguing over what they look 
like then your analogy might be more appropriate.


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