Got my new TP yesterday. Removed my cdp, which had been working fine,
and hooked the TP up to my mono power amps' unbalanced inputs (no
pre-amp used) w/RCA ics into the TPs unbalanced analog outputs(will
switch to balanced soon). 

Setup went smoothly. I have a Squeezebox already and know my way around
SD players, SS, and my network. SB3 and network work perfectly, as
does/did my stereo.

The TP streams/plays properly. I select music and the VU meters move,
remaining time changes, and songs change. However, no sound comes out
of the speakers.

I have tried everything I could think of to get the thing to play
music. I checked the connections on my ics both to the amps and the TP,
I turned everything on and off, I checked the TP settings in SS, I
called a techie friend who owns a TP, I adjusted the volume, etc. I
even plugged a pre-amp back into the system to see if that was the
issue. Still, no sound.

The box appears to be functional, so I am assuming I just have a
setting wrong somewhere.

Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions about resolving this, I would
greatly appreciate it.

Thanks much.

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