I had an idea to start this thread a couple days ago when I was at 998
posts, but I guess I forgot, because this post will actually be 1004
for me. Anyway, looking back the last couple of years, it's hard for me
to believe I actually had that many posts here. Some of you have many
more than I do, of course. So, here's a thread that when you reach this
magic number, you can post your thoughts/reflections/fondest memories or
just gloat (if you really want to). This is really one of the best
forums and best online communities around, and that's doubly impressive
because it's hosted by a private (but clearly charitable) company. I'd
like to personally thank all the good folks who make the branch of
Logitech called Slim Devices that we have all come to know and love.
Your products I cannot live without, and that now includes the SBC and
SBR, new members of your product family and mine, too. Keep up the
great work. I pledge to keep contributing as long as I can.


There are 10 kind of people in the world - those who understand binary
and those who don't.
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(http://www2.kumc.edu/students/ezamir/rss/ezdiyaudio.xml) |'*Forum*'
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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=42900

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