harmonic;264242 Wrote: 
> I atended  a  klimax demo yestoday and alot of the questians asked here
> was  answerd.
> [...]
> The system was unfamiliare to me so its hard to describe have it really
> sounded.
> But the sound had that special kvality the sondek lp12 SE with the
> current full specs have,  where it seems to pull out so much more
> detajls in the lower bass regions then what im used to herer from other
> systems.
> [...]
> When i got home and tried to listen  to the same recordings  whole
> notes seems to be missing in the bass regioons.

You apparently fail to understand that the two greatest influences on a
hifi system with a competent digital source that costs anything more
than a few hundred pounds are: (1) the speakers and (2) the room.

It's pointless to make a comparison like this unless those elements of
the test system are at least fairly close to your home setup. This is
why I almost always upgrade my hifi by buying equipment (second hand or
at keen new prices), using it in my home for a few weeks alongside the
old kit and then selling the item that I rate as worse.

It's also pointless to spend DS kind of money on a digital source until
you have at least spent $20k on speakers and some time and effort in
sorting out your room acoustics. You will get a far bigger bang for
your buck at that end of the system. THIS is why my speakers cost 6
times as much as my digital source (Squeezebox and Benchmark DAC1).


Andrew B.

SB3-> Benchmark DAC1 -> ATC CA2 pre -> ATC SCM50ASL active speakers...
Andrew B.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2619
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=38815

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