Optimizing signal paths is a fine idea in principle, but it's usually
not good to string components up in the air like that... there is quite
a risk of them becoming antennas, and as far as decoupling caps are
concerned, they become quite ineffective as you move them further from
the pins they're decoupling, even by a couple mm. It would be a good
idea to look at the noise floor with a good quality sound card and an
FFT tool to verify these kinds of changes. You may be able to squeeze
out a half a db here or there, but it's ridiculous to think you're
going to get it to perform anywhere near the level of a Transporter.
Besdies the DAC and power supplies being inherently not capable of it,
at that point you would be dealing with a noise floor of a couple
_micro_volts, and this style of hand wiring just does not fly. 

Could the layout in SB3 be improved? I would think yes, but you can't
really get there like this. You should have a crack at building a
standalone DAC - it is far more feasible to create an optimal design
when you are not limited to making hand-wired tweaks to an existing

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