What if this whole conversation was about some speaker wire?

Poster 1 "Wow, company X's modification of Logitech's speaker wire has
totally transformed the sound! Everything's become so real!!!"

Poster 2 "If a mod on a speaker wire makes that much difference, and
the original speaker wire pretty much doesn't add any distortion, that
means the modded speaker wire is distorted."

Poster 1 "Whatever. You haven't heard the mod so what are you talking
about. I know it sounds better."

I believe that the end result of every system is not perfect. In the
majority of cases even the most basic aspect of frequency response is
not very neutral. Personally I correct for this with room treatments
and DSP. Even so, there are clearly many other aspects to sound such
dynamic range, noise, harmonic distortion and no doubt others known and
others yet to be discovered, and every set up lacks in some aspects in
terms of the end result the listener hears.

This means that adding a component which distorts the signal always has
a possibility of making the end result better. Some distortions cancel
each other out - e.g. DSP is really in fact a distortion...one intended
to counteract "bad distortions" in the end sound.

The point is this - I don't think a digital source is an appropriate
place to design distortions even if the result happens to be good for
some set ups. I like my sources, volume controls, cables etc to be as
neutral and transparent as possible.

I think speakers and rooms are where you can really mix to taste,
because this is where so many compromises have to made anyway due to
the physics of it.

However, components where only an electric signal exists should just
sound as if they are not there. Playing your system at 100% volume
should sound the same as playing your system without the preamp, for
example. If your system sounds magically better WITH the preamp, it
could be it is correcting some "bad distortion" in the setup but it
doesn't mean it is a "better" preamp in some absolute sense.


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system
darrenyeats's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10799
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