zanash;270026 Wrote: 
> why do they need to tell other people what they think is correct when
> its only there opinion. Why should everyone have to conform to one
> persons way of thinking 

So you are proposing that group think is far better? I sense a bit of
the "tyranny of the mob" abrewing. No I do not presuppose to tell
anyone what to think or do with their money but I do reserve the right
to opine and question others  assumptions. You are correct - who am I
to ask others to question their assumptions and accepted norms of the
groups assumptions no matter how silly?

Forgive me for asking you and others to think about anything to deeply.
I suspect many in this hobby / passionate pursuit are trapped in the
consumerists MATRIX. I believe ( forgive my arrogance for having an
independent non orthodox thought) you have been manipulated by the
audio-industrial complex to think that small - but expensive - changes
here and there in your systems will result in getting   a step closer
to audio nirvana. EVERY A/B scientifically conducted study no matter
the piece of gear under study be it a reasonably priced quality cable,
dac, or amp continue to come up with the same result - no statistically
significant difference can be determined !!! If you choose to ignore the
science, well that is your choice and  your right indeed - but consider 
you very well may be  deep in the throws of an addiction - and the first
step on  the road to recovery is admitting you have a problem -
something along the lines of  standing up and stating to the group " My
name is Zanesh and I have been an audioholic for 5 years. I am  a duped
zombie  and audio nirvana is a superstition"  

No I am not an arrogant SOB and a bully - it is the mob not I... Zanesh
this is not personal...;)

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