Phil Leigh;270108 Wrote: 
> Harald - yes, I am in for a farm - but it had better be a good one with
> lots of animals and machinery and other stuff!

Gee there appears to be a lot of sensitivity and defensiveness when
some of you have your assumptions questioned or challenged. Some
nagging little voice in the back of your heads perhps saying "could it
be I've been duped? Could there be some truth to this "idiot" CVD's

I appreciate and welcome the few thoughtful replies to date....but
please do not degrade yourselves and this forum if you can't engage in
a constructive discussion.

>From time to time one (me?) needs to take extreme positions in order to
get people thinking out of the box and their complacent acceptance of
whatever half baked science is thrown at them from an industry that is
for the most part trying to move maximum dollars from your bank account
to their own. Wake up folks there are a lot of yatchs and Ferraris 
floating around out there on the profits they have made on the
fantasies they have perpetuated.

How many of my dear responders have a vested interest in keeping the
snake oil show going? How many of you are in biz or "this thing of
yours" and thus somewhat biased. A fair question hey mates?...

Still no science in most replies that I have seen. With the pace of
life being what it is currently - I would venture to say there is a
sucker born every second these days....

Happy Listening folks - have to go feed the hogs and slop out their
pens...back at you later.



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