zanash;273304 Wrote: 
> good answers .....I agree
> I've also hear differences between lossless formats ....[flac and
> apple]  the apple sounded lighter and flasc darker if that makes any
> sense....on the same amp speakers and dac setup.
If you're indeed able to detect a difference between lossless CODECs,
then lossless is not lossless!  The point of a lossless CODEC is to
give you back the exact bits that were encoded.  Many here use FLAC and
have shown, in various ways which are intolerant of bit errors, such as
HDCD, FLAC test, etc., that FLAC lossless is indeed lossless.  I
personally have not used ALAC, but I'm guessing that it would pass the
same sort of lossless tests since it is called lossless.

So, no, it does not make sense that FLAC and ALAC would sound

Timothy Stockman
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