Phil Leigh wrote:
> Jim Holtz;276983 Wrote: 
>> firmware 86. The minute I started listening I detected that that the
>> bass sound bloated and the balance was gone compared to 84. I switched
> Naah - sorry. There's no diference. My TACT traces are identical.

Same cause as the perceived differences between various $4000 interconnects.

There are differences one can measure and difference one can believe.
Some of the measured differences can be sensed, some not.

This is what led to the "all amps sound identical because they measure 
identically" that killed hi-fi in the late 70s early 80.

What is missing is validation of the metrics. Perhaps they measure 
identically because the measurements are flawed or miss something.

Perhaps the measurements do mean something, but not the whole thing.
How do you know?

The engineers of the world laughed at Mathematicians for 100s of years 
because the Math guys played with imaginary numbers. It was much later 
that the EE's decided that imaginary numbers, and complex numbers in 
general, do a decent job of defining how electricity works. So the old

    V = IR was replaced, sometimes.

What really happened is that the EE's found more places when "R" was not 
resistance, but impedance.

One key thing I learned in graduate school is that it is pointless to 
argue about beliefs.

Pat Farrell

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