smc2911;278631 Wrote: 
> Strictly speaking, there is redundancy in a WAV file (otherwise it would
> be impossible to do lossless compression), however it is not "useful"
> redundancy like a checksum that can be used to correct any errors in
> transmission. As SuperQ points out, although mathematically FLAC has
> less redundancy than WAV, it has enough useful redundancy that,
> contrary to the article's author's suggestions, makes FLAC more robust
> for streaming.

Please be careful.  There is a big difference between redundancy (ECC)
and validation (checksums).

CRC, MD5, etc are checksums that provide the ability to validate the
content blocks.  The only thing the decoder can do is to drop the block
and play nothing.

ECC and RS are redundancy systems that allow some percentage of bit

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