nuhi;281626 Wrote: 
> Today I installed v7.0.1 - 17914 and on my surprise it had a firmware 40
> in it...heck decided to try it anyway.
> And it fixed all my issues with switching digital input to networked
> playback and the other way around.
> Did not have any issues regarding flashing.
> I was reluctant to try it after reading the forum posts but actually it
> really helped.
> Please don't break the fix while accommodating others :)
> I would thank you but I was waiting this fix for a year so lets say we
> are even.

As far as I can see there are two issues with FW40 for a lot of people,
including me:

1. Switching to and from digital input to network playing. What I see
is that I can't go to digital input via the menu-option: this results
in plopping and noise. I can go to digital input by going to the
primary setup (left button till you're there). But now I only can get
back to network playing by restarting the transporter.

2. Frequent unnecessary degaussing of the main knob. Although I never
touch the knob, at times it keeps making this rattling sound every 10
seconds, sometimes for an extended period of time. When this starts and
ends seems totally unpredictable. The only logic I have found is that it
surely starts when I shut down Squeezecenter.

Why am I still using FW40? It makes it possible to play 24/88.2 files.
I am confident that the two points I mention will be solved in a new
version of the firmware.

Teus de Jong

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