Compression when recording is not always a bad thing , if one has
massive peaks and doesnt compress the music somewhat, everything else
but the peaks will be way too soft.
Digital clipping is another story , its very nasty sounding as the
waveform is just "sheared" off , I would rather have compression than
digital clipping anyday.
These days , music to be played on boomboxes and radio is heavily
compressed so the normal level is "loud" , the louder the music on
radio , the more attention it gets. Boomboxes have limitations on
amplification etc , so if normal levels would be soft, users would
whack the volume up and the peaks would be heavily distorted and most
likely blow drivers.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/TACT 2.0/SCM 50a's
TP/Meridian DSP5000's
"The nicest thing about smacking your head against the wall is...the
feeling you get when you stop"
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