Patrick Dixon;289100 Wrote: 
> Oh try harder!  I'm asking to consider the 'problem' and come up with a
> reason why someone might be able to hear rounding at the 24-bit in a
> digital volume control (like the SB3 has)

I already did: you didn't enjoy your breakfast that morning.

It's very, very simple - if you take a 24 bit binary number and divide
it by some factor, the error you make will be in the "25th" bit (if you
round properly).  If you truncate rather than rounding, the error may be
in the 24th bit, but that's as bad as it can possibly be.  So the error
- I'm talking about the absolute error, *NOT* the error as a percentage
of the signal - is never larger than 000000000000000000000001.

So all we have to ask is whether 000000000000000000000001 is ever
audible on a stereo system.  It has the best chance with the analogue
gain maxed, but as I've shown it remains waaaaay below the threshold of
audibility even then.

You are probably confusing S/N - which will be much lower than 144dB in
these cases, since the original data was 16 bit - with audibility of the
distortion caused by rounding.  Let me try to clarify that for you.  

Here are two ways in which distortion can be inaudible:

1) The S/N is sufficiently high, so that you do not hear the
noise/distortion no matter how load the sound is, because the signal
always masks the distortion.  That is one case where we don't have to
worry about distortion.  A good example of that is the noise floor of
the SB while playing music.

2) The maximum possible level of the noise/distortion is too low to be
audible *even when it's played without the signal*.  In this case it
will *never* be audible - even when the S/N ratio is *0*.  There are no
exceptions, and that's what I've shown is the case of a rounding error
in 24 bit audio.

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