darrenyeats wrote:
>> Its not much of  a problem, after all who would trust software to walk on?

> Who would trust software to keep planes in the air? 

You do know that it was decades before the commercial folks accepted the 
idea. The fighter planes have been fly by wire for ages, since they are 
so maneuverable that no human could control them.

But comp.risks has many articles about teething problems on Airbus 
computer systems.

> Or to control life  support equipment?

Or run nuclear power plants? Actually, life support systems software is 
way special.

>  Or to do finite element analysis?

That one is different. The PE still has to sign the results. S/He can 
not use "computer error" as an excuse, the results are signed by a 
human.  The computer just helps with the FE analysis.

> BTW the answer to the last one is "Engineers" with a capital E! Not all
> computer people are hackers you know. :)

Fey, Engineers (PEs) who use computers are Engineers, not computer 
people. They are 'computer users'. Their domain knowledge is 
engineering, not computers.

All a computer is to them is a faster slide rule.

Pat Farrell

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