A couple of points.

First, you say you haven't changed any of the settings on slimserver. 
By default (unless this has changed, in which I'm sure someone will
correct me) SS encodes WAVs as FLAC before sending them to the
squeezebox/receiver.  That means there cannot possibly be any sonic
difference between the same file stored as WAV versus FLAC on your

Since you were confident you heard a difference, your biases and
expectations are having a major impact on the sound quality you
perceive.  I suggest you go back and do those comparisons again, blind
(not knowing what is what).  Have a friend (who promises not to give
you any sort of hint, as that defeats the purpose) do the switches and
record what your responses are.

Second, the discussion digital volume reduction here is wrong (as I
pointed out in the other thread, and as Sean has said as well). 
Nothing special happens at 1/256 volume.  You should set the analog
volume so that max digital volume is as loud as you will want; then
using the SB volume will result only in a slight reduction of

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