GuyDebord;295138 Wrote: 
> Iphone, Your latest intervention got me thinking could we "legally"
> start a share site within all of us friends in this forum? Im an
> urbanist, so I have no clue how to do this, but i launch the question
> to all of you.... I would surely cooperate fully....

Pfarrell is right, no can do. Copyrighted file sharing is not legal in
the States and probably not anywhere else either. Live performances
fall into a semi-gray area when the performance is recorded by an
individual with premission of the artist for personal or not for profit
use. If you are plugged into the mixing board, you have premission, but
one could still not have the right to post it to the Archive depending
on what one signed to be able to plug into the board. The Archive is a
place to post legal live recording for the sole purpose of not for
profit sharing. These recording fall into three types. Board direct,
band allowed mike setup area, and the poorest quality is the fan with
two mikes held above his head. is the legal for profit place to
pick up high quality live performances right off the soundboard.

What I thought of a long time ago was to setup a music storage service
like Music Locker but allow anybody paying to store music access to all
stored files (listen/read only not able to download). The RIAA said no
even though the non-owner of a song could only listen to it and not
download it to keep, share, or burn. I have had three personal
experencies with the RIAA. Have never been sued by them, but have been
told that if I or my band members/friends continued doing what we were
doing that they would. It is not a fair thing that one can not even
play live ones own published music in the bar that one owns.




Media Room:
Transporter, Vandersteen Quatro Signature, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks, VTL
TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, VCC-5 Reference Center Channel, four VSM-1
Signatures, Runco 710, RAM Oppo DV970HD, VeraStarr 6.4SE  

Living Room:
SqueezeBox Duet, Vandersteen Model 3A Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2,
Two VSM-1, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold 

Squeezebox 3, Thiel 2.3, NAD C370
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