Thanks for your explainations so far.
I just read a thread about the positive effect of cheap DACs Made in
China. Still I have a hard time believing that professional mastering
gear like the ADI-2 has ZERO effect on sound qualiy while some cheapish
100€ plastic boxes are praised for their performance.

My setup:
Squeezebox Duet
(Optical/Coax Connection via Oehlbach Digital Cable -> RME ADI-2)
Solen Tigre Hybrid Amplifier (Valve Pre, Transistor Power Ampl.)
Silent Wire
Audio Physics Yara Evolution 

That way I can directly switch inputs with and without the external
Except for a small difference in volume there is NO audible difference
between both options. There's also no difference in Optical/Coax
digital connection quality.

Is it possible, that the speakers are too bad to hear the difference?

It's just because there's a lot of people euphoric about external DACs
and also some who don't see any differnce at all. As a former
scientist, maybe I'm looking for a measurable explanation... ;)

The reason why I'm still dealing with the issue is - should I keep the
DAC and check if a speaker update will make the improvement audible or
should I just quit thinking about external DACs for the time being?

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