ratso;312154 Wrote: 
> i know that there is a lot of conjecture as to whether or not the cable
> will work to break a ground loop hum and i didn't mean to open a whole
> can of worms here. but as i quoted earlier in this thread, jensen
> transformers believes it can help and they are pretty much the top
> experts in this subject i believe, so i do think it's worth a shot and
> much cheaper then buying a transformer. so does anyone know the pinout?
In the apnote, a transformer is required in both "balanced to
unbalanced" circuits to get good common mode rejection.

This was also my experience when I set up PA equipment for bands.  I
built several homebrew audio transformer boxes (Jensen JE-11
transformers) which were quite effective in solving grounding problems.
The root of grounding problems is often incorrect grounding topology
inside the equipment, but adding an external transformer is an
effective band-aid.  I also carried a couple medical power isolation
transformers for situations where it was more desirable to put the
transformer in the mains circuits rather than the audio path, but the
effect was exactly the same.

Timothy Stockman
Timothy Stockman's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8867
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