I'm a "keen" audiophile too and have owned lots of good equipment over
the years. I started ripping some of my CDs to iTunes about 6 yrs ago
when I got my first iPod. I've always used Apple Lossless even on my
iPods--I don't try to get my whole music collection on the thing, just
what I fancy at the time, which can and does change.  I've got about
200 GB of music on my iMac now (actually on a Lacie external drive),
all ripped to Apple Lossless, and only once did I have a track that
popped like a scratched LP when I played it back. In fact, I actually
forgot and thought I was listening to an old LP till I did a double
take and realized I was in my car listening to my iPod through my fancy
car stereo! I reripped that disk and the pop went away. I guess if I was
starting from scratch today I'd try dbpoweramp as recommended, to see if
it's really as easy as using iTunes on my iMac, my iPods, and my
Squeezeboxes. If it really is as painless and easy to use as iTunes
then I'd go with it. But if it takes 20 mins per disc (Apple Lossless
takes about 5 mins per disk) or requires tons of initial setup etc. I'd
use iTunes and not worry about that one track out of thousands that may
contain an audible error. Once you find that track, just rerip the
disk. All of my music comes from my own CDs anyway so it's no big deal
to go browse my shelves (yes I still do that too) and rerip it. I also
find the tagging and cover art works perfectly with iTunes. I purchased
the Mac program Cover Sutra to find any missing artwork in my iTunes
library and that has filled in the 3% of albums (compilations and the
like) that iTunes couldn't obtain.

ps Phil Leigh--I have Let It Be Naked too and had no problems ripping
it with iTunes!

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