CardinalFang;317072 Wrote: 
> I'm a Mac user and I do run Parallels, so I could use these other
> rippers, but to be honest I haven't found the need, because when I did
> trial them they were painfully slow and gave no discernible
> improvement.
> The only reason I posted was because it was said that if you care about
> audio, you shouldn't use iTunes, which is misleading. It only matters if
> you have disks that error correction can't fix and then a more
> industrial strength solution is needed. I haven't needed it.
> I will admit that EAC and the ilk do appeal to the geeky audiophile
> part of me, but the busy pragmatic side makes me use iTunes because it
> is a far more pleasant experience. I'd rather be listening than
> ripping.

Ah that is the rub, you are on iTunes.  iTunes is great if you do
EVERYTHING in iTunes, however if you do not "drink the koolaid" iTunes
is a bear to play with.  Even though I have and love my iPod, and have
a Macbook Pro that I also am found of.  iTunes is the worst program I
have ever used.  It is extremely selfish and thinks that it and only it
should ever touch your music.  Just the simple task of using an outside
ripper to rip your music with iTunes is a pain.  Why, because iTunes
has no feature to monitor a music folder for new or changed music.  It
has been awhile since I used iTunes but I seem to remember having many
issues with the itunes db just going belly up because I made a minor
change to my music without its permission.

And your comment that it only matters IF you have disks that need it. 
Well how do you know if you do or not.  Does iTunes tell you "hey this
disk ripped with pops and cracks"?  No it does not.  So unless you
audition each and every disk after you rip it you will not know.  If
you use a proper ripper like EAC, dbpoweramp, or cdparanoia they will
not only do a better job ripping the disk but also give you a nice

However you must be extremely lucky to own nothing but perfect disks.

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