Themis;328201 Wrote: 
> Perhaps it's on April's issue of Positive Feedback ? :D

Sorry to say that the article appeared in the July/August 2007 issue.

Nonreality;328090 Wrote: 
> And off we go!

I take your comment to mean that the audiophiles would be all up in
arms about over this article. After all the article is filled with
transgressions against the standard audiophile dogma: lossy compressed
audio sounding better than full resolution audio and losslessly
compressed audio, and several mentions of double blind testing.

Let me throw the ball back into your court.

Audiophiles are often derided for not believing in measurements, two
classic  examples of this are 1) the love of analog over digital since
on paper and via test measurements digital as some very clear
advantages over analog (signal to noise ratio, no generational losses,
etc) and 2) the love of tube electronics when solid state electronics
have much better test measurements.

Now in the case of audiophiles preferring uncompressed or losslessly
compressed audio over lossy compressed audio, where the superiority of
uncompressed or losslessly compressed audio has been proven over and
over by measurement, the audiophiles are once again being taken to

My question to you, Mr. Nonreality, is why is this happening?

Audiophiles are criticized for not believing in measurements but then
when they do believe in measurements they are laughed at? After all,
along with double blind testing, measurements are the twin pillars of
the objectivist's own dogma.

So what gives?


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