Nonreality;329873 Wrote: 
> Ok I am getting tired of being told what I can say and what I can't
> since I don't believe that I've done as you say.  I've never said the
> compressed is better.  I've said that for most people it can be as
> good.  Maybe you should look at those studies that you allude to.  Part
> of what I've said is that there isn't as many "golden eared audiophiles"
> as there would appear to be if you believed everyone.  If you have read
> my posts I almost always say that I do know that some are.  Also if you
> read my post on mp3's @ 320 being better it was not my original post all
> I had said is that there was some interesting stuff there.  Things that
> could be talked about and not just slammed.  I think this must be what
> set you off on your rant on me.  It would be nice if you would give
> some examples of where I went wrong with you because I haven't had a
> problem with anyone else here.  I'm always willing to talk and admit
> when I'm wrong but just to be told how to post and that I'm ignoring
> science does bother me.  Oh and tell me again what a troll is because
> I'm getting real sick of you calling me one.

I really do understand where you're coming from so far as being called
names and being told what you can and cannot say since if the shoe were
on the other foot, I seriously doubt that my responses would be anywhere
near as civil as yours have been to me and I thank you for that. Now I
only hope that I can clear the air so that we can continue to coexist
on this forum and, who knows, maybe even become friends.

So to answer some of questions I've placed your two "offending" post
below with what my reaction is/was to them.

Nonreality;329179 Wrote: 
> I think that it's the air describes it rather well.  JMHO but out of
> everyone that absolutely can hear a difference, it's really 1 out of a
> 1000 that can.  Both imagination and ego are hard to control or admit. 
> But I will give you that there are some that can and they are the ones
> to get to know.  They can set your system up and you'll get good deals
> on equipment as they try to get something that sounds perfect to their
> ears.

I have no problem with the "air" it's when you start to put numbers on
the amount of people who actually can or cannot hear the difference
between an mp3 file and the original CD versus the number of people who
claim to hear a difference. No, you actually didn't say anything "bad"
but you implied that many so called audiophiles are pretty much full of
it. However that wasn't enough for then you, again quite subtly, took a
swipe at the audiophiles for their equipment upgrading habits.

I know plenty of audiophiles who can and do hold onto equipment for
many years. I've had my Linn LP12 turntable for well over 20 years and
it will probably be the last turntable that I own. Some of other
equipment may change for several different reasons: new and improved
technology, higher income level or a deal just too good to pass up to
name but a few. How is this behavior different from buying a new

Nonreality;329180 Wrote: 
> If you can hear the difference between the flac and the CD it's either
> the air or the DAC not the files.  You've got to watch the air it can
> do all kind of crazy stuff. You see the results of the air here all the
> time.

Another very clever statement which does not actually say anything
offensive but implies a great deal. By air, do you mean "hot air"? As
in, this place is full of hot air. And exactly what kinds of "crazy
stuff" are you referring to?

Granted, all in all, neither post nor even both posts taken together
are all that derisive and I apologize for my thin skin. I hope that
I've shown you what I meant by the subtleness of your remarks.

Troll, as per Wikipedia:

> An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who
> posts controversial and irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online
> community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the
> intention of provoking other users into an emotional response or to
> generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

So what do you think, were you acting like a troll?


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