iPhone;330973 Wrote: 
> Now that is hitting the head of the nail square with a hammer! I think
> folks keep forgetting your exact point. Even with all things almost
> relative or even someone with the beginnings of hearing loss, why use a
> compromising ripping format (on a home system) when FLAC and other
> lossless formats are readily available??????????????
I think you're all missing the real point. [blows raspberry] :)

It has nothing to do with mp3 being compromised. It is true red book is
transparent: it is not my opinion that makes this true, it's the
extensive documented trials which makes this true. But that doesn't
mean 256k VBR mp3 isn't transparent too. I don't know. But it doesn't
matter if it is or not. The real point is...red book is a universally
accepted standard without DRM.

- You can download mp3 but most often with DRM. Might be transparent,
might not, but the DRM is the agenda.

- You can download hi-rez but the music companies are pushing DRM for
this. And the music companies don't want us to rip hi-rez discs.

- If you buy a red book CD you play it on any machine anywhere, rip it
a million times, make a billion copies and there is no DRM mechanism to
stop you. This is why the music companies are on a mission to replace
red book. (Luckily they're going to continue to fail.)

The reason I like FLAC is that you can get an exact copy of the format
that is transparent AND has universal compatibility AND has no DRM i.e.
red book. What's not to like?

So mp3 vs red book SQ quality is moot.


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system
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