ralphpnj wrote:
> I believe that we're saying the same thing. I was just trying to give
> some background and to show people that the compression/boost technique
> has been around for a while.

Yes, and in the radio world, there was even good reasons to do it.
Compressed music could be heard farther away, so the station got more
range for its broadcasting watts, which meant more listeners and more
advertising bucks.

And until FM came to mass market in the early 1970s, there was no such
thing as audio quality over radio.

> Good thing I listen to a lot of jazz since
> this type hatchet job rarely happens with jazz recordings.

Yes, Jazz and Classical, and some Americana are still free of this evil

To be clear, the compression that ralphpnj and I are talking about is
separate from the codec compression of MP3, ogg vorbis, etc. Altho in
both, information is lost and can't be recovered.

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