marlowe;333098 Wrote: 
> So I could tell the difference (I don't know statistics, but getting 5
> "rigtht" out of 5 is beyond pure chance, that much I do know) but to my
> surprice I thought the MP3 had the better sound quality.

5/5 is marginal - it would probably not be regarded as significant even
under properly controlled conditions by most researchers.

Are you able to listen to music from a computer over a decent quality
system?  If so, I suggest foobar2000 with the ABX plugin.  It allows
you to switch back and forth instantaneously without restarting the
track, it lets you compare known A and B to unknown X (which is
superior to A/B), and it also keeps track of your record.

I was able to ABX 320 vs. wav using it, but only on a track I knew
exhibited MP3 compression artifacts particularly clearly, and only
after some practice using lower qualities.

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