pfarrell;338181 Wrote: 
> DeVerm wrote:
> > I am so amazed that nobody in this long thread realizes that any
> form
> > of digital representation of music is flawed, period. 
> What drivel.
> Any attempt to record and replay music is flawed, period. Analog,
> Digital, or something not yet invented.
> Troll on
> Pat

Hey Pat, you're smart, I should keep an eye on you here... ;-)

But I'm not really trolling although part of what I write is my way of
having fun without any meaning to be nasty; the whole is really meant
to add to the discussion. Your statement above is true; my statement is
a subset of yours and also true. Your's is better but mine serves the
same purpose: trying to get readers to step back and look at what we're
really talking about. Read my  follow-ups and you'll see what I mean;
when you apply a filter for my ironic remarks you will/could see that
something serious is still there. We don't have to be all business, do

I'll re-phrase: considering that the recording as present in the flac
is flawed anyway, how much difference would it make to flaw it a little
extra by coding it into a 320-mp3? How much more percentage of loss
would that give as compared to the actual live performance? Do you dare
to put a number on that? would it be more than 0.1% or less than that?
Even if some (young enough people with still good ears) can detect the
difference by listening, is that tiny difference important enough to
reject the mp3 for enjoying the performance? If it is, wouldn't that be
for psychological reasons instead of the technical (which would be just
as valid a reason)? If that little difference is so important to a
person, wouldn't the person be better off trying to improve in other
areas where bigger gains are to be expected, like moving to HD audio?
IMHO that would also improve the experience on both technical -and-
psychological levels. When we get to these very small differences, I
think it's better to just buy new caps for the amp or new coils for the
speakers as these improvements (maintenance?) are audible to even my old


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