Pneumonic;338922 Wrote: 
> I have done extensive listening tests comparing lossless files to lossy
> ones and original wav files. Probably compared several hundred albums
> over the years.

Comparing lossless to wav is trying to find a software-bug. If the
software is bug-free, you can't hear the difference. Lossy like in mp3
is a comparison against the wav-version.... you lost a bit. But
remember that the wav is lossy compared to attending the orchestral
performance itself.

Pneumonic;338922 Wrote: 
> With lossless I can actually place people and instruments (relative to
> each other) in there dimension and space as I listen. Oftentimes within
> inches of each other both in vertical and horizontal plane perspective.
> Lossy doesn't afford me this same phenomenon. Very similar to how my
> top shelf SACD's sound compared to my redbook stuff.

So, where the instruments sit, let's say 2 inch apart in the lossless
version, you hear them say 3 feet apart in the SACD version? Or is it
the other way around: you compare lossy and lossless like you describe
and you hear that "air", "space" or "perspective" in the lossless but
not in the lossy... okay... after that you listen to SACD version and
now you can't hear 
"air", "space" or "perspective" in the lossless anymore? I'm puzzled...
vertical positioning too... so you actually hear the flute at a higher
plane than the cello? IMHO, it's your brain that puts that what you
hear into that "air", "space" or "perspective" because you -know- that
the flute is higher off the ground than the cello and immediately
connected that info the moment you hear the two instruments. I think
you would hear that effect even when both instruments would be recorded
with the same stationary mic. It's like the baby with the
world-upside-down-glasses. The baby can do everything while wearing
them but falls over when they take the glasses off. It's just how your
brain is programmed. That doesn't explain why you can't hear that with
lossy files or they must be really lossy in that you can barely
determine the instruments anymore so your brain is pre-emptively
jumping to another subroutine for determining the instrument. I can't
hear vertical in any form of recorded music, but I do hear horizontal
separation... I hear the flute from the left and the cello from the
right... many feet apart! But then again, that could be just a
side-effect from the stereo techniques used while recording, I don't
know. (Sorry: the previous two sentences I just had to write because I
can see your face like for real when you read it without even recording
it... see how that proves it??!) I actually converted trolling into a
psycho-acoustic experiment! But everything I wrote before me hearing
horizontal separation is serious...


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