Skunk;345944 Wrote: 
> One other thought though; if you have speakers in adjacent public rooms
> (e.g. kitchen/dining), you can take advantage of the two sets (A/B or
> A+B) of speaker outputs provided by the Audio Source amp, using only
> one Squeezebox as source. They will probably never play unique music
> anyway, and synchronization will be perfect.

This is similar to my approach, which was somewhat limited by the
pre-existing wiring in my house:  16 gauge stranded copper stared out
from the living room to the master bedroom, dining room/kitchen and

I wanted one music source to feed the whole house, and I wanted that
source to be in the library, not at the center of the wiring "star". 
This is what I came up with 10 years ago...only a couple of components
have changed since then:

For "serious" listening in the library:

Transporter balanced out to ATI AT1502 stereo amp unbalanced in via a
Jensen PC-2XR, feeding a pair of Magnepan MG3.5s via Kimber 8TC.  This
is about as "audiophile" as I cared to go at the time and I haven't
seen fit to upgrade.

For "not so serious" listening in the rest of the house:

Same transporter (unbalanced out) feeding a second ATI AT1502 in the
library to a Niles SVL-4 switcher at the center of the "star" in the
living room.  The Niles then feeds a pair of Magnepan MG 1.6/QRs in the
living room; a pair of Celestron bookshelf speakers, wall mounted in the
kitchen / dining room; a pair of Definitive Technology Pro Cinema
bookshelf speakers, wall mounted in the master bed room.

Not a single element here would be rated above audiophile entry level,
and the bookshelf speakers don't even make that cut.  But the Magnepans
do most of the heavy lifting.  This is a medium sized (3000sqft), open
plan, multi-story house with an "Escher-esque" cantilevered stairway in
a central atrium. The living room, MBR and library are all on different
levels.  There's a whole lot of reflective wood surface: floors and
pitched roof ceilings. Having the smaller speakers strategically placed
manages to turn the "rest of the house" listening experience from
"hearing a cavernous echo emanating from the living room" into a fairly
focused and surprisingly full sound pretty much anywhere in the house.

I keep two SBCs (one in the MBR and one in the living room) to control

Oh yes, and a Boom for listening on the porch.

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