Phil Leigh;347440 Wrote: 
> Except that as Mr. O has tried patiently to explain with his references
> to information theory, analogue is just as lossy - actually more lossy
> - than digital.
> As analogue mastering is pretty nearly dead (who is still making
> analogue 2-inch tape machines these days? - never mind multitracks!)
> the entire argument is moot unless you only want to listen to stuff
> recorded years ago...
> Just to be absolutely clear on this - all methods of capturing sound
> into a storage medium are inherently "lossy". There is absolutely no
> zero-compromise technology. There is no "lossless" method. However,
> what matters is that beyond a certain point the information captured is
> good enough.
> So I fundamentally disagree that there is an inherent advantage to
> vinyl (tape walks all over vinyl - why aren't people using that?).Dear Phil, 
> I was talking about the METHOD which is lossless. Is there
any theory saying that a non-transforming METHOD is lossy ? Can you
please enlighten me ?


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