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Question: Direct to power amp?
- Yes
- No

seanadams;363210 Wrote: 
> That's quite the understatement! :) 
> UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, for reasons that have already been detailed
> here ad nauseam. Transporter is NOT a preamp. A digital volume control
> should never be used as a substitute for matching levels between
> equipment. Omitting electrical attenuation does NOT sound better...
> unless, that is, you prefer hearing less dynamic range (resolution) and
> a higher noise floor.

Sean, I'm perhaps late to the party on this one but I am disappointed
to hear that some people have encountered not so nice "noise" issues
when using the TP as a digital volume control plugged direct into a
power amp. 

Judging by the results of this poll a significant % of respondents in
this audiophile forum are going against your advice and running their
SD units direct as a digital volume control. Presumably because they
prefer the way it sounds. As an aside, I know in my just concluded
testing, I thought the results of going direct was awesome and
something that I'd like to further explore. But, if doing so places my
speakers and/or ears, at risk I won't continue obviously. That's
unfortunate though because of missed opportunity to utilize something
that is there (or should be there?) for using. As you know us
audiophile's are typically serious tinkers who'll do whatever necessary
to try out different things and combinations of gear as they look for
just that right, or even just a different, concoction. We get to miss
out on this one.  

I know that other applications of digital volume control by other audio
companies don't have such problems so technically something must be
amiss with SD's implementation, no? 

At any rate, the potential "noise" issue is obviously an undesirable
situation for those who do run direct and I wonder what, if anything,
is being done to address it?





Squeezebox 3 > Sonic Frontiers Ultra Jitterbug > Roksan DAC/PS
Modwright Sony SCD 777ES
Sonic Frontiers SFL-2 Pre
S.A.R. Labs MOS 450 Power
Martin Logan CLS II Speakers


Squeezebox 3 > COEM Lite Audio DAC AH
McCormack TLC-1 Pre
Sonic Frontiers SFS80 Power
Elipson Circee Speakers
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