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Question: Direct to power amp?
- Yes
- No

Before I begin let me clarify what I am talking about. The issue is not
using passive attenuation in situations where 100% on Transporter
volume control is significantly higher than your actual expected
listening volume. *If your maximum actual listening level is 100% on
Transporter's volume control then your gains are correct*.

Pneumonic;363307 Wrote: 
> Sean, I'm perhaps late to the party on this one but I am disappointed to
> hear that some people have encountered not so nice "noise" issues when
> using the TP as a digital volume control plugged direct into a power
> amp. 

Nobody is complaining about noise, but they do seem to want to know how
to get the best performance from their system. 

> Judging by the results of this poll a significant % of respondents in
> this audiophile forum are going against your advice and running their
> SD units direct as a digital volume control. Presumably because they
> prefer the way it sounds. As an aside, I know in my just concluded
> testing, I thought the results of going direct was awesome and
> something that I'd like to further explore. 

If you like the sound of it that way fine, but Pablolie misstated my
position on this issue as "not officially recommended" when in fact it
is explicity disadvised.

> But, if doing so places my speakers and/or ears, at risk I won't
> continue obviously. That's unfortunate though because of missed
> opportunity to utilize something that is there (or should be there?)
> for using. As you know us audiophile's are typically serious tinkers
> who'll do whatever necessary to try out different things and
> combinations of gear as they look for just that right, or even just a
> different, concoction. We get to miss out on this one.  

The biggest risk is that you or someone else in the household might
change the volume level using the web interface. We go to great lengths
to ensure that there are no hardware or software bugs in our system that
could cause excessive levels, but I will not claim that there is zero
possibility of that.  

> I know that other applications of digital volume control by other audio
> companies don't have such problems so technically something must be
> amiss with SD's implementation, no? 

The difference is that I am being honest with you. Anyone who tells you
that you can safely, without degrading sound quality, substitute a
digital volume control for electrical level matching between equipment
is simply lying to you. Yes, I am well aware that certain manufacturers
make these claims, and I'm not mincing words here.

> At any rate, the potential "noise" issue is obviously an undesirable
> situation for those who do run direct and I wonder what, if anything,
> is being done to address it on current and/or future units?

You misunderstand. Transporter has the lowest noise floor of
practically any DAC you can buy. It is absurdly low - it's output when
playing silence is indistinguishable to most equipment from a dead

If we are to believe that this high performance is one of the reasons
that people purchase Transporter, why wouldn't they want to preserve
that level of performance by correctly setting the gains of the
downstream components?

ALL electronic devices have noise. A bare piece of copper wire, sitting
in free space, has electrical noise across it. If anyone tells you their
DAC or amplifier has _zero_ noise, they are lying to you. I am simply
telling you how to minimize noise in your system to get the best
possible performance.

If you're with me on noise, then we can proceed to discuss dynamic

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