Patrick Dixon wrote:
> You completely missing the point - to say that one amp is better
> because it has a SNR of 103dB rather than 100dB is nonsensical because
> it depends not only on the level of noise but it's character too.  The
> same goes for jitter.

No, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a
sound? is a question for philosophers. Not engineers.

If two amps measure differently but the difference can't be heard, they
are the same. Or you are not measuring the right thing.

But you can't make a claim that the measurements are different and that
is important, when no one can hear it.

A classic example: frequency response of a speaker over 40kHz. It may be
good, but humans can't hear it. It is therefor not accepted to engineers
that it matters.

> I don't think it's science to stand
> around demanding that someone else provides proof for you.

Again you miss the point. If you are saying "I believe this is true" but
I can't show any science to back it up", then I have zero problem.

But if you say "this is engineering, its real" then you have to back it
up. It no longer beliefs.

While I've been hearing about jitter for over a decade, every time I
look into it, I see only theology, not science. Until I see science,
preferably from several sources, then its just part of a belief system.

Pat Farrell

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